Sunday, August 25, 2013

Helping someone who inserted herself in my life when I needed her.

As a mother of a child who died due to bullying it is very hard to deal with, shortly after my son died and it hit the media, I recieved a letter from a woman in North Carolina,She didnt know me and I didnt know her but we did have something in common, she also had a child that was bullied and that was where our simmularities ended, and I got to meet that gorgeous young adult and her name is Brooke and is a very special young lady.

  Cristy apologized in the letter and was very nervous ,when I got her mail asking if I would speak at the 1st Anti-Bullying rally there was no hesitation I said yes immediatly and told her I will be there  and this becomes a friendship with an unbreakable bond.

Now just recently a person who was big part of her life and her families life just passed away due to a car accident and she is starting her journey of the loss of this amazing young man(and he was AMAZING) this loss is hitting her very hard and it is very emotionally challenging her senses and all the mood swings, the I wish I had one more second to tell him I love him.
  To those who havent lost a child to bullying or actually anything else,this is how you feel from the minute you are informed of the death of your loved one, the breathe has been knocked out of you disbelief and heartbreak and then your legs give out and all you can do is cry hysterically it doesnt make sense you just saw them,and your world takes a nose dive.
  To Cristy I am so sorry, I am here and lean on me.. 

Much love to you and his family also...


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Mom's loss.

Another mother has lost a precious son, He didn't die due to bullying,but none the less her son is gone and her pain is just beginning, I met this mother in 2010 when asked to be a keynote speaker at KABS Anti-bullying rally Cristy Price Reese.
  I know I cannot take away from her grief but I do want her to know my heart breaks for her and her family members and the rest of the family that was in Austins life he was very special to alot of people and dealing with this type of loss over the next few months will be hard for them and I hope they know, they will never be far from my thoughts, even though I dont have all the answers, I do have shoulders that can help them carry the pain of his death.
   As parents we always want the best for our kids and when something happens that takes them from the "planned" life we have in mind it is very painful and all those dreams vanish.
  To Austins family I am so sorry, I met you when my pain was fresh in my mind but you were there, unwaivering and steady and I believe that when Austin crossed over my son was there to meet him and I am here.....just ask if you need to.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Life Lessons


I sit here thinking about my son, and how people not in my immediate family or even just per chance I cross their path in 
my life,My life now with a very important piece of my puzzle missing.
   You feel you have the right to interject your opinion on my
life and tell me I need to "get over" Christian's death its been 
over 3 years I have a family to take care of etc etc etc.
  So now I am going to "interject" MY RIGHT to tell you to go
to hell, if you are not a permanent fixture in my life then move on and shut UP, unless you have lost a child to bullying (which by far in my opinion exceeds more than a natural death) if your child died due to illness, you had time to prepare for it, I had no time,except
walking into his room the 20 steps from my room to his after hearing "I dont know how long he's been there"?!?!?!
  Bullying in  todays society has become vile,hostile and way beyond mean,our kids are being told that the world would be a better place without them,they are called names and assaulted physically and mentally and all the while the school staff turn their heads and ignore what is going on in their schools, I give a rats ass if they are under paid or have to many students they shouldnt have become a teacher or admin at a school, but they did and there is by far NO GOOD excuse to let bullying happen in front of them as it did to my son, who when Ross decided to make a scene in the hall in front of the office, my son was told by one of the AP's to come to her office and my son's response was Yes Ma'am all while Ross Tombs was screaming and making a scene this happened AFTER I met with the school and they said they would protect my son.
  So My son was being blatantly bullied IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL and MOST OF THE ADMINISTRATION witnesses galore and yet they still had no proof just 2 written statements , One from Christian's friend Alec and low and behold one from Christian detailing what Ross,Evan,Michael and Brian(yes there was a 4th student I never knew about until we went to trial and what I heard made me physically ill the administraters admitted they did nothing,nada jacksh*t and what makes me more angry than before is Karen Farringer was in the hallway the day Ross Tombs went off on Christian in  a tirade and she did NOTHING except ask my son to go with her to her office which he did saying Yes Maam being repectful, the way I brought him up,some time after that Ross had to be escorted out of the offices because he was so rude and refused to leave, this wasnt Ross's first rodeo either he was well known at Grafton high school he was a regular bully and had no problem telling people they should die or sit in the corner and cut themselves throw food at people and never did anyone who had the power to hold him accountable for his actions step in at ANY TIME throughout his years at Grafton High school.
  When school started in September Ross moved on to another member of my family, Christian's older brother Gregg who was all sorts of excited about graduating with his cousin Christina but when Ross started messing with Gregg he decided to quit his SR year and he did and we moved.
    As you start a new school year remember this.
See it,report it,hear it,report it,witness it REPORT IT! if they ignore it tell another and another until someone does something  and if a friend says something about taking their life tell someone I would much rather have a friend whom is mad at me but alive than a friend who I will never be able to talk to again.

Day by Day is how I make it,my heart is shattered for Christian had the world in the palm of his hand and 4 people took him from us with words and in my opinion that is Murder by proxy...