Saturday, February 23, 2013

Would you know?

   When you were on your way to work today, you came across a woman,she smiles and says Good Morning and you say Thank you You too, Would you guess that by looking at her that she is 1 minute away from breaking down again because her child was bullied so badly he took his life?

   You are in an airport and you see a soldier being greeted by his wife and she is crying,not because he came home in one piece from overseas ,But because their son was bullied so badly, He hung himself and that soldier was on emergency leave for 15 day's to help plan their son's funeral arrangements and to be there for the other 5 siblings left behind?

   Bullying is becoming a a rapidly growing trend thanks to bullies who judge someone based on who they love or how they dress? or for the music they listen to.

  Bullying is never ok,it doesn't make you look cool or popular it makes you look like who you are, an ass
that is ignorant and miss informed about the bullies I hope you get caught and put in jail you are a boil on the butt of humanity.......



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