Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What do you do?

What exactly do you do when you send your child to school and the teachers have been the ones bullying your child??
  I was lucky none of my teachers when I was young tried to bully me, but as a parent it would be on like Donkey Kong if you were screwing with my child, I am a mouthy very oppinated woman and since Christian's death even more bitchy, I dare people to screw with me, I don't like you I WILL tell you, you screw with my family you've had it but should you be a teacher and you are bullying students I AM your worse nightmare, I don't care where you are Teachers who bully are worse then the students who are bullying, as kids we put our trust in them we are suppose to deem them safe (my son had one person he adored here and she is fantastic and he had several at LORMS in Texas that he loved and they loved him just as equally back and were just if not more devastated by his death)
 When we send out kids to school they are suppose to be safe, Yes when they are in school THEY ARE under the teachers and admin's watch and THEY are responsible for our kids,As parents we cant do anything at all about what happens in school accept follow the correct procedures to make sure the schools know about the problems, and they fix it even when it comes down to bullying they have a Zero Tolerance than USE IT! our kids lives are in your hands for 6 hours a day, and if you don't do what you as a teacher,admin,OR school board then HELL YES you are and should be held accountable, My life is bring up and raising my kids and I really don't care if you don't like the way I do it,because when it comes to my kids they ARE MY kids not yours and your opinion is just that YOURS and you really aren't important enough to my family unit for me to take your opinion seriously, (to be clear yes I just said I DON'T CARE!)
  Bitter and Angry you ask?? Yes I am because my son is dead people in Yorktown think they can judge me and the school screwed up and is too stupid to admit they are wrong, they love claiming this and that but how's about you actually admit the fault you had, admit you let the freaking PUNK get AWAY with it and  lets all move on, oh wait no that wont happen because  that would mean they would have to take some sort of responsibility for their  actions and now we cant have that can we??
  Yes I am a woman with a mission and I take it seriously ,you threaten my kids YOU THREATEN ME! Thank you for that line but it is true, I am a Mom and I above all take THAT job seriously.
   And if I should find out that a teacher IS bullying someone at ANY school that teacher and the Admin need watch it because I will damn sure make your life a living hell....

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