Friday, November 12, 2010

York County School District, Teachers and Admin

As I sit here missing my son thinking of past thoughts, When I was in school I didnt like my peers, and so it comes to this conclusion as my personal thoughts, If you deem to teach kids and you can NOT see ALL kids as EQUALS DONT BECOME AN EDUCATOR no matter who they are or how they act you are not "ALLOWED" to judge them, I didnt like the kids I went to school with, I dont talk to the kids I went to school with because they bullied me about my looks wieght and being adopted, and with this in mind, My job in my life has not included teaching or being a school administrator, When a person is bullied for ANY reason wether they are thought to be gay lesbian different a jock not a jock a preppy or not or the sheer color of their skin  or nationality of themselves their religion WHATEVER the reason  that person should they move on and become an adult doesnt EVER forget it, thats right Ronnie, Robby, Tim ,Rhonda,Amy Karen and all those who were totally crass in Massabesic, I didnt like you then and I still havent  changed my opinion what I have done is become the person I am teach my kids that while we would love to kick someones ass because they like to put us down, violence isnt the answer you want to hurt the person for the long haul, such as college with something on your records for bullying, you probly WONT get into a top college......or maybe the Military.....definatly not remember next time you want to put someone to shame about stupid crap such as the way they dress wear their hair or the music they listen to does their life matter to you REALLY???? if they arent bothering you then WHY do you really have to make yourself look like an idiot?
  and to the teachers today, if you can NOT consider all your kids equally with respect then GET OUT! make room for those who can! 
  Lisa Williams 
Christian Taylors Mother
and on a mission to make it safe for ALL to go to school!

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing, Li!
    You tell them like it is!
    (Bert is my hubby, Li) I don't have any profiles they list below to leave a comment. Had to use his)
